Welcome to Innovatic - the efficient and green alternative
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Innovatic is a Danish company, which is primary dealing with electronic product development, green smart house solutions and process control for example for feed mills, heat-and-power plants etc. The company was founded March 1. 1989 by Elec.Eng., B.Sc. Carsten Kanstrup on the basis of almost 10 years of experience with electronik process control.
Efficiency Matters
Look at the engineering masterpieces of the nature - our bones - a snail shell - all build to obtain the maximum strength and function with a minimum of resources. At the same time it is constructions, which are almost impossible to improve. What also characterize the nature is that everything is created to be part of a perfect symbiosis, where the total use of resources are as small as possible, but where the result of the interaction between cells and individuals is a level of function, intelligence, reliability and failure tolerance, which by far exceeds the modern technology.
It is the same goals that we strive for in all our products and system solutions. A typical Innovatic construction is:
- Simple and often very untraditional.
- Extremely efficient.
- Perfect in its function.
- Unusual reliable.
- More failure tolerant than most other constructions.
- Optimized for the best and cheapest total solution.
We have the attitude that there are very often two solutions to a problem:
- The "safe", but complicated, clumsy and expensive standard way, which often only takes its own problems into consideration. This solution has a tendency of breaking down under its own weight like the modern PC-world with its very low efficiency and endless row of safety holes and bugs, which nobody has the overview to fix.
- The simple and elegant way, which totally seen solves the problem with a minimum of resources and production costs, but at the same time with a higher level of function and safety.
Nobody has ever been blaimed for choosing the first method "as everybody else" although it may be almost impossible to earn money that way, but as an inventor company we are not satisfied before we have found method 2. We do not compromise on the level of function, but other things being equal, small, simple systems have less errors, higher reliability and lower cost than big, complex systems and they are much easier to overlook and debug so the keyword for Innovatic is efficiency - as in the nature.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.
It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction."
E. F. Schumaker.
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
Albert Einstein.
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Do you want an efficient solution and are you not afraid of stepping out of the footsteps of others, maybe Innovatic is the alternative you are looking for.
"The one, who follow in the footsteps of others, will never get in front and will not see the paths on its way."
Indian proverb.
As an example, we invented a new electronic measuring principle for a safe grounding system for a client. This increased the measuring accuracy from approximately 50 % for the companies own prototypes to the required 5 %, and it simultaneously reduced the number of components approximately a factor 3, reduced the cost price approximately a factor 2 and removed the necessity for trimming. The result became their best selling product for 13 years! This would not have been possible without the simple, innovative solutions of Innovatic.
Max-i Fieldbus
Another example is our new fieldbus Max-i, which is our masterpiece. It may be regarded as a combination between a highly improved CAN bus and a 20-V power supply and may be used for numerous applications from electronic process control to smart houses and advanced LED lighting. With the use of standard installation cables and the possibility for an entire fieldbus interface in one IC, it enables the lowest total automation and LED lighting costs ever seen combined with maximum performance and a remarkable simplicity, which will please anyone from makers to professionals.
For more information, please visit the homepage of Max-i and Max-i Association.
Conveying System
Innovatic can also offer what is probably the worlds most advanced IP-blocks for PLC-control of conveyors, shutters, two-way distributors etc. for example for feed mills and cement plants. With these blocks, it is possible to write the PLC-code directly from the flow diagram of the plant and put the code into work without any previous tests and without "child diseases". This has been done on factories with over 400 automatically controlled equipments and tangled transport routes. When the blocks are connected as the flow diagram shows, the system behaves like one big neural network with an outstanding "intelligense" and time optimization.
The IP-blocks have the following features:
- 3 levels of operation of each equipment - automatic control with all interlocks, manual control with all interlocks and manual control without interlocks - so that the plant can always be operated exactly as the operating staff wants.
- Reversed shut down of chain conveyors (shutters closes before the chain stops).
- Automatically restarting and emptying of the system after an emergency stop.
- Flying shift between different routes with automatic emptying of old route even in case of an emergency stop.
- Error indication with individual acknowledgment on all equipment so that no alarms are overlooked.
- Bumpless switching from automatic to manual.
- Simulation of new state before switching from manual to automatic so that bumpless switching is also possible that way without disrupting the process.
Max-i specification 14.2 and interface/control module IF2 and overlay module LS1 with 3D printet enclosure for control of two lamps or group of lamps have been released.

Bøgebakken 3, Gjessø
8600 Silkeborg
Phone: (+45) 86 84 72 92
E-mail: mail@innovatic.dk
Carsten Kanstrup
Mobile: (+45) 20 15 51 60
E-mail: ck@innovatic.dk
This page is created with WebSite X5 and updated March 13th 2024